Our aim is to make Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya as a Unique and Unified Centre of Quality Learning and the objectives of our college are in consonance with the vision of the Institution. In addition to giving the benefits of higher education to the economically weaker sections of the society, the institution aims at -
Imparting and enlightening knowledge and cultivation of good character.;
Helping the students imbibe the ideals of Discipline, Devotion and Dedication.
Developing integrated and elegant personality with sound mind and healthy body.
Inculcating in them self-confidence and social responsibility.
Enhancing the status and stature of our students and ensuring the gender equality and religious integrity.
Increasing the employment prospects of the rural students.
Enabling the rural students to enhance their learning capacity.
Providing opportunities to the students to bring out their latent talents to limelight.
Shaping the students into tolerant, sincere, responsible and worthy citizens of India.
These aims and objectives are prominently displayed in the campus.